Melonpelt's Art Box!


Welcome! Here's where I put my art that's pretty much for me and me alone. If someone else likes it, that's just a plus! I've never made a website before, but I'm excited for this one and suprizingly proud of it. I started this blog on (5.8.2022), and am updating regularly!

I genuinely mean it though, this art is for me and pretty much no one else. I've been drawing for over two decades, and I'm working hard on trying to bring back the same shamelessness and excitement I had for my art when I was a tween posting on deviantart.

If you like what you see, feel free to sign my guestbook! Or, if you're feeling really generous, my commissions are currently open!



(3.29.23) There is... a LOT to go over in my time away. I moved to a new city, I got Covid, I cycled through four jobs. More art is coming, more bullshit is coming, but there's a lot to catch you up on. Check the blog tab for more in-depth info, but there is new stuff on the way. Thanks for the patience!

(8.1.2022) Added a bunch of new alter-related art today, including two whole comics- one with a fictive's backstory, and another having to do with letting our parts help each other. Also, this new guy is just fun to draw! lol.

(6.25.2022) Working on my new graphics! Gradually I want to replace what I have on the website with things that are 100% original, so here's hoping it all goes over well!

(6.24.2022) Updated my Non-Furry Art, and added a metric fuckton of dragons to my fun page, plus moved all that to the bottom because wow. Holy Shit. Also added the blog section, which is still a work in progress! Also did a lot of formatting and fixed a problem with the scrollbar. Also, from now on, I'll have in this section only the 5 most recent updates (once I have that many...) so that people can see at a glance without having to check out the blog page what all's the most new. Anything past that gets archived over on the blog!

(5.18.2022) Updated to divide out my adult dragons from my hatchlings and eggs on the fun page, and added two new selfship peices to my non-furry art pages! I've been BIIIIG into Naruto lately so you all will have to deal with that lmao.

Looking for more detail? Check out the Personal Blog section!