Blogging and Archive!
This is an archive for all the old updates and general life updates I feel like posting here! It's more detailed (or at least will be) than what I update on the updates section on the front page! I won't be posting an update on home whenever I post a blog, but it will be marked as "new" here. Maybe eventually I'll have a more concise way of organizing it, but we'll see if I need that.
Anything that's written in basic text is considered an update post and is probably copy/pasted from the front page! If it's italicized like this , then it's a blog post.
(3.29.23) There is... a LOT to go over in my time away. I moved to a new city, I got Covid, I cycled through four jobs.
So. A lot has happened in my time away. We finally found a place to move, it... sucks hard, actually, but whatever. It's a place to be. Sorry for the downer tone too, I just found out a few hours ago that I was fired from a job that I really looked forward to, and I'm not wholely convinced that it isn't because I'm openly transgender. But lets roll it back. Starting in October, once we moved into the new place, we all got Covid again. I had to leave my old job that was decent because it was too far away, and my new job was a pyramid scheme that I quit just before coming down with Covid. That's the second time I've had it, so it was absolutely fucking brutal. My *cats* got covid, and one of them almost died. We all made it out the other side though at least, so there's that. Then, I jumped to a new kitchen job that let me go a few months in because they weren't doing well financially. Then I got another job that paid less but gave me more hours, at the expense of my mental health. I QUIT that place for the job that I ended up just now getting fired from. They say its because of performance issues, but I had just been told how good I was doing, and there was no warning or write up before this. It came right off the back of me asking them to start using he/him pronouns for me, so.
I'm exhausted. I'm tired and heartbroken. But I'm not going to let this stop me. I made some good friends while at that last job, and one of them might be able to get me work at her girlfriend's work, so here's hoping. Current events has been getting me way, way down thanks to the villainization of trans people at pretty much every turn, but I've got a little hope. I'm going to be starting HRT soon, on my own terms, once I get a new job. And once that's handled, I'll at least be able to move up from there. I think that if things keep getting this bad, I dont know how long I'll be able to hold out. But for now, I'm still fighting, still making art. I just finished a 35k word project as a gift to myself that I'll be posting on friday on my Ao3, since it's the ten year anniversary of me roleplaying a specific rendition of Trainer Red from Pokemon. I'm proud of that, and I hope that people will enjoy it. I enjoyed writing it for sure. I've also gotten back into the Mechanisms, and started working with ancient Egyptian gods more often, its... I've got a lot going on. My bipolar has been kicking me in the ass lately, too, but I'm still standing. Just gotta keep making art, just gotta keep doing my thing. If anything, I'll at least be able to leave my art behind when I'm gone.
As promised, July was intensely difficult. Still haven't found a place for us to move into, and the other day my car window was smashed in. A few weeks before that in the dead center of the month, I had a paycheck that covered the bills we needed... except food. Things seem to be looking up lately though- I got donations from some incredibly kind people online, enough to fix my window so I can drive safely, I finally got my car legally in my name so that I never have to talk to my abuser again, and my last paycheck was really sturdy. I'm just hoping that the appartment we've applied to approves us in the next few days, so that we can get moving in. I've also been binging Welcome To Nightvale! I listened to it back when it first came out, all the way up til just past the Strex Overthrow arc. Listening to the more recent stuff, it gets incredibly, amazingly intense and I love it. WTNV is always going to be intensely personal to me, it's just as amazing as I remember it being as a kid. Ten years now! Wow. Also, I've been getting together with a few friends online to do witchcraft-related stuff. Mostly just sharing information and chatting about magical practices, but it's nice. I might do a little something once we get moved into the new place. I'll see where I am when the dust settles. Thanks to everyone who's been supporting me, I'll try and keep up with my art more often from now on. (8.1.2022) Added a bunch of new alter-related art today, including two whole comics- one with a fictive's backstory, and another having to do with letting our parts help each other. Also, this new guy is just fun to draw! lol.
(6.25.2022) Working on my new graphics! Gradually I want to replace what I have on the website with things that are 100% original, so here's hoping it all goes over well!
Things have been... difficult today. The house that we were hoping to move into may have fallen through, and I'm really feeling the weight of the upcoming month. I'm trying to stay focused on creating and staying optimistic, but it's hard. I was so... excited to pack and start over in this new place. And I'm struggling to stay on top of things I guess. Things are bad across the world right now and it's getting to me, too. Oh well. We'll figure it out.
(6.24.2022) Updated my Non-Furry Art, and added a metric fuckton of dragons to my fun page, plus moved all that to the bottom because wow. Holy Shit. Also added the blog section, which is still a work in progress! Also did a lot of formatting and fixed a problem with the scrollbar. Also, from now on, I'll have in this section only the 5 most recent updates (once I have that many...) so that people can see at a glance without having to check out the blog page what all's the most new. Anything past that gets archived over on the blog!
I also plan to eventually replace a lot of what's on this blog with original sprites and items? No ETA for that, or what to expect about it, but I figure it'll clean up the code on my end and look more.... me, I guess! I can say that July is going to be a really hard month for me, generally speaking, so I'm hoping that's kind to my creative process. I also hope to blog here a lot, hope to write more and generally be more active instead of just letting the days pass me by. I've been doing a lot of that lately when I more than anything want to Create. We'll see how this upcoming month treats me. On the plus side, it's Echo's birthday tomorrow and I am SO EXCITED! They're my first partner and I love him so so so so much.
(5.18.2022) Updated to divide out my adult dragons from my hatchlings and eggs on the fun page, and added two new selfship peices to my non-furry art pages! I've been BIIIIG into Naruto lately so you all will have to deal with that lmao.
!No extra info because this is from before I started the blog lol!